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Event Day

When an event is approaching, the Event Day button will appear at the top of the main page.

Tapping on the “Event Day” button will show a list of available events to pick from, if only one event is upcoming it will load it automatically.

Event Day will show a medal count and a list of all athletes attending the event. Tap on the athlete's name to show more details

Tap on the edit icon to add or edit the athletes bracket details for the event, and the plus sign if a new match is to be entered.

Enter the match number if it is provided and tap the plus sign to add the appropriate number of matches for the athlete. If no official match number is provided, number the match numbers in order (1, 2, 3…). Once all the matches are entered, tap on close.

The match information entered will show up under the athlete along with their progress through the bracket

Tap on the athlete again to show the bracket details. This will show the upcoming match. After the match, tap on Lost or Won depending on the outcome for the athlete and tap close.

The window will close, and the team view will be shown with the updated details for the athlete.

After each match for the athlete, tap on the athlete's name and select the match outcome.

If the athlete earns a medal, you can send a notification to the rest of the team informing them of the accomplishment

The medal count is updated as well as the athlete's status in the bracket. Bracket number in bold means it is coming up next, green means the athlete won, grey means they lost, and crossed out means it isn't needed.

The results of the tournament are automatically updated and can be viewed in the results section.

eventday.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/06 19:37 by jomorr

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