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Tapping on the “Events” button will show the events the team is planning on attending.

The red question mark icon shows the athlete has not decided if they are attending the event.
The green check mark shows the athlete will be attending the event.
The grey x shows the athlete will not be attending the event.

Tapping on an event will bring up more details about that event.

From here you can see more information about the event such as location and dates. You can also specify if the athlete will be attending or not with the toggle switch, see how many teammates will be attending and view the event websites.

Coaches and Team Admins

Coaches and Team admins can add or edit events for the rest of the team. Tap on the “Add an Event” button.

If another PilSeung team has already added an event, and made it public, you can select that event from the list to easily populate the events details.

If the event you want to add is not available in the list, click on the plus sign to add a new event

Input the information for the event and tap “Save

Coaches and Admins can also view what athletes are attending an event by tapping the field showing the number of athletes attending.

events.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/06 13:55 by jomorr

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